Come & enjoy real Joy in our Shops!
Since 1976 and the opening of our first Shop in New York city, our obsession is to delight you with the best quality Ice Cream in the world.
Tasting our unique and delicious Ice Cream flavors or enjoying our signature creations, you will live an experience of real joy.
Shop Information
Finikoudes77 Athinon str FinikoudesLarnacaLarnaca - 602224664460
Aphrodite Hills3 Aphrodite AvKoukliaAphrodite Hills - 850926956713
Limassol PortLimassol old port build K 21 Spirou Araouzou strLimassol Old PortLimassol - 303625510700
MakentziPiale Pasia MakenzyLarnaca - 602824622555
NicosiaAphroditis 10,1065 Nicosia+357 22322102
Paphos5 Poseidonions AvenuePaphos - 804126961515